Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Twitter and information overload.

I have been playing with Twitter for a few weeks now. No too much I have to admit.
I wonder, is it for real? Some people say that, when it will take off,... you better be on the board. Maybe, but what for?

Is it a really viable marketing tool. At first it seems like it is, but then, is it for real?
I mean, we are in the information age. Most of us are bombarded with information form all kind of sources. Internet is in itself .... The Biggest info - over - loader.

Well, at least you've got a control over what yo want to read, what audio you want to listen or what video you want to watch. At least...
Some people, and there are many of them cannot take control of their mailbox. It scares and terrifies them.
Come on, ..., do not subscribe to what you do not need. Don't you know that ???

You do not want to know everything, do you. Do you need it?

Internet is a powerful tool, but only if you use it wisely.
You go there, you type your question, you got the answer. That's it.

What if you subscribe to too may newsletters? Do you read them? Do you use the information. Do you take action on them?
I don't think so?

Here is the problem with twitter, you subscribe to tooooo many things at once. You simply are not able to follow all of it.

Then of course, you want to use Twitter as a marketing tool. And how it works for you? I hope it works well ;)
I mean, can you treat seriously somebody who sends you the same information times after times over. "Hey, buy my system, the profits are guaranteed." Then why don't you go and use yo system to make more money. Unless, your system works only when you will get more suckers ... into your system.

Here is the problem with Twitter.
Seasoned marketers know that you need to build trust, report with people. You cannot just try to flog them something. You may succeed sometimes, but not very often. Certainly, you will not build strong, solid business with that approach.

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